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Staying Fit and Golfing Over 40
By Herb Cherwoniak
Publisher, GolfPlayerMania.comIf you find yourself falling more and more behind your golfing friends, consider starting a fitness program geared towards golfing. Especially if you are over 40, a fitness program can drastically improve your golf game. Keeping fit, especially in the winter off-season, is a great way to improve your golfing. The key is to begin a golf fitness program that is geared both to your needs and to your current level of fitness.
Nearly every kind of exercise helps your golf game, because golfing uses every part of your body. A regular exercise routine that works all of the parts of your body is one basic step towards improving your golf game through fitness. There are also a few golf-specific exercises to work the muscles that you use to swing the club.
Flexibility is important for golfing, and that’s why it is important to stretch. As you age, it is especially important to stretch your muscles before golfing or any other athletic activities. Just a little amount of golf oriented stretching will make a noticeable difference to your swing. You should always stretch before a round, although it can also help to stretch even on the days you don’t plan to golf. If your legs feel tired after a day on the course, or you wake up the next morning with any soreness, you need to stretch more before you golf.
When you swing, you are rotating your body. Stretching your torso and abdomen is important, although it is often overlooked by people who just stretch their arms and legs. Sit on the floor, and raise up one knee so that your foot is flat on the floor and your knee is pointing up. Then twist so that you are looking behind you, bracing the opposite elbow on the raised knee. After a few seconds, switch so that the other knee is off the ground, again bracing your opposite elbow on the knee as you turn to look behind you.
Exercising your core muscles can improve your overall strength, which in turn will improve your golf game. Crunches and other traditional exercises are great ways to do this. Balance is also important for golfing; try balancing on one leg at least once per day to improve your balance. Although you may not associate weight lifting with golf training, increased muscle strength means increased control over your movements. Use lighter weights when working out, and focus on the hamstrings in your legs, as well as the muscles in your lower back. Lifting light dumbbells can improve the strength in your arms and shoulders. Don’t overdo weight lifting, especially if you have never tried it before. As you age, you naturally lose muscle mass, so it is important to build it back up through exercising.
Cardio exercises are often overlooked by those who think cardio isn’t important to golfing. However, cardio exercise can improve your endurance and stamina on the course. If you often feel worn out after a game of golf, try cardio. Low-impact cardio exercises include swimming, riding a bike, and even walking. One tip I can offer is plan a reward for all your hard work. Rather than look at free pictures of the augusta national golf course why not plan a weekend trip and play a round or two in Georgia.
Many senior golfers will tell you that a decline in performance as you age is inevitable, but if you take good care of your body and get plenty of exercise, you can maintain your golf performance level. It takes just a few minutes per day to improve your golf game through exercising, no matter your age.About the Author
Herb Cherwoniak has a B.SC in Kinesiology,is an avid golfer and publisher of ... A Meeting Place For Golfers. Come check out the website we have everything from women golf shirts and gifts to college golf women photos.
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