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How to Get Energy From Vegetarian Diet

Question: How do I keep up my energy levels on a vegetarian diet while working out 5 to 6 days a week? reanybean

Answer: Dear reanybean, Make sure you're drinking enough water daily (at least 8 cups). Try cutting back on foods with a high glycemic index (potatoes, corn, carrots, etc.). Even though these foods are vegetables, they're very high in sugar content. They can give you a sugar rush, and then a crash of energy levels. For best results, include a low-fat protein serving with your low-density carbohydrates. If you're lifting weights 5-6 days per week, try cutting back to 3 days per week. If you're doing cardio 5-6 days per week, make sure you're including low-intensity days. And it wouldn't hurt to take another day of rest just in case your body needs more rest and recovery. There are more examples of foods with high and low glycemic indexes in the Articles section.

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