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Total Body Workout Routines Are Perfect For Nice Weather

Its getting to be that time of year where I live that the weather is beginning to turn for the better.  As the sun comes and the heat rises I find myself losing motivation to workout and instead wanting to be out in the sun either doing something active or just taking it in.  For some, nice weather is a everyday luxury, while others (like myself) wait for the 3 months of nice weather per year.  That is why mostly in the summer I start to mainly do total body workout routines.  Total body workout routines are my saving grace for the summer time.  I can do a variety of total body workout routines a few times a week ans still maintain and build on my body.  In this post I will give you some variations of total body workout routines and a few pointers along the way as well.  If you like being out in the sun and not in a gym or working out at home, then you need to keep reading this post to help prevent not working out during nice weather.

Total Body Workout Routines Should Be Fast And Intense

If you want total body workout routines to get the job done then they need to be fast and intense.  You will need about 30 -40 minutes in order to get a good workout in.  With any total body workout routines, there should be no rest in between exercises so that you are getting maximum benefits from your workout.  The are many varieties of total body workout routines, so do find the ones that fit you the best.  Since I primarily focus on bodyweight workouts, and I can get one heck of a workout done in under 40 minutes in the sun.  Being able to workout out in the sun with nothing other than own bodyweight is a huge moral booster since I can enjoy the nice weather while getting fit.  If I relied solely on the gym to workout, or on equipment or weights, I would not have this nice little luxury.

Variety Is Key For Total Body Workout Routines

You have heard me say that variety is key for any fitness plan probably 100 times or more on this blog.  I keep bringing it up because no matter how many times I write it, people still go back to their everyday routines.  Always, no matter what, have variety in your workouts if you really want results and to not get bored.  With variety in mind, here area few simple total body workout routines that I start to do about June so I can workout outdoors, or get it done and over with then go outside and enjoy the sun.

Total Body Workout Rouitnes Example 1

  • Chest exercise
  • Back exercise
  • Shoulder exercise
  • Bicep exercise
  • Tricep exercise
  • Leg exercise
  • Leg exercise

I do 4 round of this changing each exercise  per round with no rest until the workout is completed

Total Body Workout Routines Example 2

  • 40 yard sprints
  • 5 burpees at the end of each 40 yard sprint
  • bear crawl back to starting point

Thats it, I would do 5 rounds of this in outside when it is nice.

No matter if you have nice weather year round, or only 3 months of it like I do, it is beneficial to have total body workout routines created so that when busy weeks come, or motivation is low, you can tell yourself you only need to workout 30 minutes 3 times this week.  That goes a long way if you workout 5-6 times per week for an hour plus.  Total body workout routines are perfect for everyone

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